Strength 1
Power clean
Heavy 3

^Link to more information about the power clean HERE.

Strength 2
Jerk (from racks) ^(or split – notice how the feet recover)
Heavy 2

Optional Cashout/accessory work
3 x 1 min handstand holds

**We’ll be doing a little more barbell cycling in a few weeks on double strength day, but for now we’re going to stick to lower reps. These aren’t touch and go, but we don’t want you waiting too long before getting in the 2nd and 3rd rep. Going ground to shoulder. Foot work, foot work, foot work. Starts with a good set up, ends with a good landing. A missed power clean is a squat clean. If you catch it sumo style… whoa boy..

Learn to pull yourself under the bar on heavy power cleans and the squat cleans will be money.

Jerks – split or power/push. Fast as lightning. Get the bar up, get under it. Lock out. Hold. Stand.