Step back lunge
3 x 6/leg

15 min AMRAP
10 Pull ups
15 Sit ups
20 KB Swings (53/35)

**Switching gears from pistols and dubs on Tuesday to lunges and pull ups. If you did get enough single leg work yesterday, we’ve got more lined up for you today with the weighted lunges. You’ve seen the reps decrease from 10 to 8 and now 6 per leg. Lowered reps doesn’t necessarily mean increased weight on the bar. We want you to move not just efficiently, but powerfully as well. If you’re struggling to get up off the ground, there’s a sign that you’ve got too much weight on the bar, even if it’s just on one side. A good game plan for today is to use the same weight you did for 8s on March 30th and really DRIVE up from off the ground. Think of a sprinter coming out of the blocks, or bounding the length of the gym.

Another good goal with this workout has to do with the KB swings. One option is to go unbroken each round. Another is to go overhead (known as American style) and/or unbroken every round. Pick one of these, or something else, to help you focus and push through this workout.