Strength 1
EMOM x 15
1. ME Handstand push ups
2. ME Strict pull ups
3. Rest

Strength 2
Heavy 5

**Wrapping up the week with some gymnastics and weight lifting work. This might look similar to Tuesday’s GOAT work where you chose a gymnastics/bodyweight and barbell/weighted movement. For the first part, we want you to work the entire minute for both movements since we’ve built in some rest. This doesn’t mean you have to go unbroken. It might look like 3 reps, 10 sec rest, 3 reps 10 sec rest, etc, until the minute is up. Again, it’s consistent work, geared towards making you stronger/better at the movement. And you can’t get better if you’ve worked to failure. So leave a *few* reps in the tank. And if you don’t have either of these movements, you can scale them by doing seated DB presses, negatives, pike/feet on a box push ups. We’re looking for good body positioning and full ROM. For the pull ups, you might get in some negatives, use a band, or do banded pull downs, or even really super strict ring rows. As with the handstand push ups, we’re looking for full range of motion (ROM). Work with your coach(es) to figure out what works best for you to reach your goals.

Mental exercise
Check out this short article in the New York Times about nasal breathing. Your nose was designed for breathing; your mouth was designed for eating. Are you breathing properly? Here’s a test – hop on the bike or erg (rowing machine) and bike/row as long as you can while only breathing through your nose. How long can you last? I might be wrong, but I believe Sam Briggs completed the marathon row event of the 2018 CrossFit Games while breathing only through her nose. :O

From here, you can dive deeper into the works of Wim Hoff or The Art of Breath – brainchild of Brian MacKenzie, the founder of (now defunct) CrossFit Endurance. A couple of his followers include Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece with their own breathing protocol that’s part of their Extreme Performance Training (XPT) strength and conditioning program.