Back rack step back lunge
3 x 12 – 6 each leg (AHAP)

10 min AMRAP
15 Box jump – 24/20
15 Sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP) – 95/65

**Something that we really want to stress with this single leg work is form and technique, particularly stability. Can you, at a heavy weight, step back/forward with little to no wobbling, lurching, or other breaks in your upper/lower body position? We want to work on getting both legs firing together, but making sure they are both able to handle the load instead of one side of your body doing a majority of the work. Think of when we do strict overhead pressing with a barbell and then dumbbells. I’m sure you’ve seen others, or have done it yourself, where the weight inches up little by little, alternating which side/arm is in the lead. Imagine coming out of the bottom of a heavy squat and one glute isn’t up to the task, and you end up leaning to one side or forward onto your toes to let the quads take over. We’re working to prevent that in the future.

The workout, like Wednesday’s 12 min AMRAP of sit ups, renegade rows, and DB thrusters (think of that OH press I just talked about), will be a quick one. With speed comes ROM, and we want to make sure you’re still hitting that full range of motion at the top of the box.

Speaking of full ROM, here is your mental exercise for the day. There has been a lot of chatter online regarding the announcement from CrossFit that the results have been verified from The CrossFit Open that wrapped up last month. Videos from top athletes were reviewed with some penalties handed out. Receiving the most scrutiny is Devin Ford’s 19.3 performance. This workout started with OH walking lunges, followed by weighted step ups, handstand push ups, and then a handstand walk. Based on the movement standards that CrossFit outlined HERE, do you think his score – even after being assessed the time penalty, should be valid? Did he complete the workout as instructed?