Press + Push Press
3×5 Press @ 65% 1 RM Press + ME Push press

12 min AMRAP
21 Sit ups
14 DB Renegade rows – 45/30
7 DB thrusters – 45/30

**Strength is the same that we did on Friday, however, the percentage is bumped up from 60 to 65%. As for reps on the ME push press, you should be shooting for 8-12, but no more than 15. The press should be heavy enough that you could maybe eek out 1-2 more without it turning into a standing bench press. With that said, adjust your weight accordingly. If you felt like what you did last week was just right – stay there. Keep in mind, that we’ll be doing this again next week on Tuesday, and on Monday the week of May 6th.

For this workout, we want to keep you moving and keep you in place. There is NO GHD SCALE for this, so everyone will be doing sit ups on the ground. The DB weight is intentionally lighter so you can fly through it. On the renegade rows, the reps listed are the total reps. Reps are reasonable that you should be able to go unbroken on those as well. And on the thrusters, it’s okay if the first rep from the ground is a cluster.

Today’s mental exercise takes you back to basics. Virtuosity is apiece of work by CrossFit co-founder Greg Glassman that was first published in 2005. Virtuosity, in a nutshell, is about “performing the common uncommonly well.” Read the article and think about what virtuosity means to you.