Strength 1
Power snatch + overhead squat

Strength 2
Behind the neck push press (snatch grip)
5 x 3

Super set

5 x 30-45 sec hollow hold / hollow hold progressions

**Getting both Olympic lifts in this week, first with “Grace” on Wednesday, and wrapping up the week with some snatching. This is a great way to start working on the snatch if you’re feeling comfortable dropping into the squat. Otherwise, keep with the power snatch + overhead squat combo to work on technique, balance, etc.

Rarely do we do any work from behind the neck (BTN), but it is good in building upper body and shoulder strength. Some people might be limited by mobility mostly because we rarely are put in a position in life to press something overhead from behind our necks. But it is necessary with the snatch (overhead squat), so take it as a chance to improve on mobility while simultaneously working on overhead strength. We last did these in February, but the weight should be close to what you’re hitting for the first strength portion. These should feel light to light/medium when answering the question ‘how heavy should I go?’ Another take away from these is how to receive the bar after each press. Watch the video above to see the movement in action.