EMOM x 12
1- Arnold Press – 8 reps
2- 1-DB row – 8 reps/arm
3- Bulgarian split squat – 12/leg (6 weighted, 6 unweighted)
12 min AMRAP
4 Burpee DB deadlifts
3 Lunges/leg
2 Devil’s Press
1 Thruster
Rx – 2-50/35
**I hope you’re diggin’ these strength days as much as I am. It’s a great way to sneak it some non-conventional work. I call it non-conventional because most people think of squat/press/deadlift as primary strength movements, but there’s so much more to do! The single DB row and Bulgarian split squats are regulars, but the Arnold Press might be new to some folks. Get in a good shoulder warm up before knocking them out. Not one to go heavy on, jut work on good ROM this time around.
The work should move fairly smoothly. I’m not going to say quickly because it will catch up to you. But if you take a look at the flow of movements, it goes from ground to overhead. There is some up and down in between, but I’ve got my eye on 7+ rounds on this for some folks. How fast can you go?