Back squats
3 x 500m row
Rest at least 2-3 min between efforts
Record all 3 times
**Starting off the week with some back squats. Got in some volume work last week with front squats, which you’ll see again this week. Last time on back squats we hit sets of 10s. Remember, this is a 3-month build we’re working on, with some tempo work, pause squats, heavy timed sets, so there’s a lot of time to get in heavy work. It can be tough to get in heavy squats on Monday that feel good, so be patient!
The rowing that follows looks deceiving. We’ve done something similar in the past, and I’ll post the board picture so you can compare splits. Goal for this is to keep your splits within 2-4 seconds of each other. Yes, there is some pacing/gaming involved. You don’t want to start off too slow that you sandbag the last set and be 10 seconds faster than the 2nd set. Nor do you want to start off too fast and tank it on the last one. Find that sweet spot as you’re warming up with some technique and sprint work.