20 Box jump over (24/20)
20 Amer KB swings (53/35)
400m Run
20 Toes to bar
20 KB snatch (53/35) – total reps

**The first of our regular two long workouts this week, the second you’ll see on Friday. This is basically two couplets split up by a run around the block. The first starts with box jump overs, with every pass over the box counting as a rep. Yes, you must land on the box, but no, you do not need to show full hip extension at the top. That is paired with kettlebell swings. The goal today is to do all 20 unbroken, aiming to get the bell overhead so long as mobility allows you to do so without sacrificing form.

The second couplet starts with toes to bar, or a scaled version of hanging knee raises, and is followed by kettlebell snatches. As with the box jump overs, these are total reps, splitting up the work evenly between both arms. Tuesday’s waiter’s walks was a good way to prepare your shoulders for the snatches.