Snatch Balance + Overhead squat
15 min technique work OR – work to heavy single

10 min AMRAP
10 Hang power cleans – 115/75
8 Shoulder to OH – 115/75
6 Box jumps – 30/24

**A rare day in that we’re mixing Olympic movements – starting off with snatches and ending with cleans. Nothing too technical in the workout. Save the technical stuff for strength, as we haven’t done snatch balances since October. So really take the time and focus on technique for both strength movements before adding too much weight.

Workout might be a little tough, as 115/75 can be a challenge for some to hold onto the bar for both the HPC and S2OH. I recommend doing reps of 8/2, and 4/4 – carrying over the last 2 reps of the HPC right into the S2OH. Do your best to minimize the number of times you have to pick up the bar. And even box jumps are slightly higher than usual. This is a short workout – giving priority to the snatch work – but we still want you shooting for 4 rounds here.