Front squat
Heavy 3

AMRAP 3 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
7 Front Squats 135/95

-Rest 3 minutes & repeat 2x for a total of 3 times
-Pick up where you left off each time
-Score is total rounds + reps

**Front squats and more front squats. Throwing in a few double unders to mix it up a bit. Those front squats will get heavy. During the strength portion, have a plan in mind – what weights to increase by, how many sets to do including warm up, and how much rest to take between sets. Remember, heavy 3 doesn’t mean 3 reps max (3RM), especially when there are more squats in the workout. Enjoy those 3 minutes of rest between rounds, and keep moving!! Sitting down is not a good idea. If you need to scale down from 135/95, pick something you can do unbroken at least for the first 3 minutes. If you’re having to break it up into more than 2 sets or you’re doing reeeealllly slow singles, it’s probably a tad to heavy. This is *fast* workout in that you shouldn’t be spending too much time on either double unders or the front squats. Aim for equal time on each movement to start off.