20 min AMRAP
400m Run
15 Overhead squat (95/65)
12 Pull up
9 Box jump over (24/20)

**Going long today with a 20 min AMRAP. Lighter weight overhead squats, but we’ve got some volume with them. Same number of reps in “Nancy”, as with the pull ups in “Helen”. Those benchmark WODs will come up later this year.

But until then, focus on hitting the standards of each movement. The time domain is set, so use this as a chance to work on a weakness. Struggling with the bar overhead for OHS but you can crush the bodyweight stuff? Spend a little more time warming up and working on mobility to get you in the optimal position to squat. If that means going lighter than usual, then do so. It’ll pay off when it comes time for the Open and when “Nancy” comes up again.