Strength 1
Clean + 2 jerks
@ 60% 1RM or heavy complex

Strength 2

BB Bent over rows
3 x 8 AHAP

Cashout WOD
4 Dball shoulder – 2/side – 100/60
4 Box jumps – 30/24

^8 min time cap

**This reminds me of a workout we did a couple Thursday’s ago – double clean and jerk, RDLs, and 30 dball shoulders for time. There are some obvious variations, but I love the combination of picking a barbell off the ground and then picking a dball up off the ground, or even swinging a heavy KB. Is it a bad thing to pair these up frequently? Answer me this – how are you getting at picking up the dball quickly? Well let’s find out today. Cutting the reps so you can move through them quickly, but raising the height of the box jumps. Sometimes this can be a recipe for disaster, so I ask you this..

We cool? Good.

Another thing I want to point out is the amount of overhead work these first three days. You might say.. ‘umm, uh-yaa’.. instead of raising your hand in acknowledgment, but I wanted to show you the variation so far.

Monday – static light BB hold overhead. Combined with a lot of dip work and Hellloooo triceps! High volume
Tuesday – unilateral work with moderately heavy DB. Medium/light volume
Wednesday – heavy (clean and) jerks – low volume.

Start thinking about the weight your going to open with on Saturday wirh your clean and jerk. Save the maxing out for then.