Strength 1
Clean and jerk
Heavy double

Strength 2
Romanian deadlifts (RDL)
3 x 8 @ 60% of your deadlift 1RM

For time
30 Dball shoulder/cleans – 100/60

**“But we just did clean and jerk..” said me, mocking your internal monologue. Yep and nope. Yep, we did it last Thursday; and, nope, we did it for a single, not a heavy 2 like today. So.. phhhhbbbt.. But, yeah, you’ll see movements like this repeated. Why? Because we’re getting you ready for the Oly meet March 31st. Fine tuning your technique. Priming you for a killer max effort lift.

Following it up with some RDL work. We do these with an empty barbell or PVC pipe in warm up, so now you’ll really start to feel your hammies werk!

Wrapping up our double strength day with some dball shoulders/cleans. Nothing fancy. And I’m not sure if I like the term ‘shoulder’, but ‘clean’ tends to mean squatting, and that’s not intended. Preference to one or the other?? *emoji girl shrugging*