Running WOD

6 x 800m, 3 min rest

For anyone doing the runs based on time
6 x 4:00 on/3:00 off

Enter your times HERE

**The goal today is to continue to improve endurance and stamina stamina – going longer distances, and being able to hold a consistent pace. We’re increasing the number of intervals from 4 to 6 from last week, but taking away the 1000m repeats that were optional. Don’t worry too much yet about pacing and how fast you should be running compared to your 1 mile time.. we’ll get into that next week after Saturday’s run *hint, hint* For now, try to keep your times consistent with what you ran last week, for faster. If this is your first time doing 800s, set a precedent for going forward. This will be your 800m baseline day.

Try to maintain times within 5-8 seconds of each other. These are not all out/ME (max effort) sprints, but something faster than a conversational pace.


^Distance and time based workouts. If you have access to a Garmin or another type of GPS device that you can program in the distances/times, that would be ideal. Otherwise, make do with what you have.

If you *don’t* have a GPS watch or another way to track distance, you can do these runs based off of time. This doesn’t mean that you need to run/sprint for the entire time, especially if you are new to running


Warm up
3-5 min easy running/moving – include some skipping, grapvevine, etc
3-5 min dynamic stretching – high knees, butt kickers, straight leg raises, knee to chest stretch, walking hamstring stretch, air squats, jumping air squats, Cossack squats
Running drills – choose at least 2 from below. Repeat at least 3 times for reps (10/side) or distance (20+ meters)
Sprints 3-5x – fall and sprint, increasing the distance.

Running Drills

Hop and lean, aka ‘bunny hops’
Alternating foot pulls in place
Lean and pull – do about 10 pulls on one leg, then switch legs.
Practicing foot pulls at a wall