1 Muscle Snatch + 2 Power Snatch

Strength 2
3 x 5 – Strict
3x ME – weighted (*if you have strict dips)

Super Set

Yates row
3 x 8 AHAP

**Snatch focus today after hitting some cleans yesterday. We’re working on getting the weight overhead (muscling it up) and the footwork necessary to get under the bar. There’s a tendency to lean back or widen your stance to catch the bar vs dropping under the bar, which is what you *should* be doing when doing a full snatch. Let’s dedicate time to footwork so we’re ready when it’s time to add the squat. Each set starts with a pull from the ground and no extra assistance from the legs/knees to get the bar overhead. This is followed by two power snatches where you can drop under the bar before it reaches its highest point.

Then getting in some dip work – strict if you don’t have strict dips yet, and weighted dips if you already have at least 5 strict dips. We’ll super set (alternate) the dips with a version of the barbell bent over row. This is done with your palms facing away from the body. This is a continuation of the pulling work we’ve been working on – pull ups, bent over rows, single arm DB rows and high pulls. All of it to improve shoulder strength and health, and grip strength, which will carry over to other movements.