30 min AMRAP
500m row
10 DB Push press – 50/35
10 DB Box step over – 20” – 50/35
10 Pull ups

**How are your hands feeling after 19.5? And are your legs ready to get pumping again? I sure hope so! Back at it again with some pull ups and some ‘easy’ unilateral leg work. Easy in the sense that we aren’t doing thrusters, and it’s the same box height for men and women. Yes, it’s total step overs.. and push presses, and pull ups.

Hands not fully recovered? Do ring rows and elevate your feet if you feel like they aren’t challenging enough. Assume around 2/2:15 row and about as much time, if not less, on the rest of the movements. No need to sprint, just keep moving for 30 minutes and a steady (not slow) pace.