Floor press
Heavy 3


5x 1 Power clean + 1 Hang power clean + 2 Jerks (155/105)
40 lateral hops OTB

**Lots of push/pull work this week – with dumbbells on Monday, body weight on Tuesday, and barbell today. We’ll start on the floor and hit some floor press, a non-bench version of a bench press. What’s challenging about this is the limited range of motion due to the floor preventing the elbows to drop lower than the body. This forces you to be in control of the bar throughout the movement. Due to this limited ROM, make sure you’re not adjusting your shoulder positioning. There’s a tendency to let the elbows flare out, causing the shoulders to internally rotate. Think of breaking the bar in half to help keep your shoulders and shoulder blades in a strong position to support the barbell.

The workout has you pressing again, but this time going overhead. The weight is “DT” weight. You’ll first knock out that 4 rep complex a total of 5 rounds before hitting the lateral hops (total!) over your barbell. Repeat this two more times and you’re done. Weight on the bar should be something you can cycle, particularly the push jerks, but likely you should be able to string together two of the complexes before taking a break.