10 1-minute rounds of:
20 squats
Max reps of clean and jerks (135/95)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Rx+ – 155/105.
**Touch and go, 2 reps at a time.
**Score is total clean and jerks after all 10 rounds.

**How are your legs feeling after 19.5??!?! Yeah, this might hurt a bit.

This workout is similar to Tuesday’s when we did double unders and power snatches in that with the barbell movement you’re required to do 2 reps at a time. However, this time there is built in rest. Depending on how you feel after doing 19.5, you might need to scale the number of air squats, but it shouldn’t take more than 20-30 seconds. It’s not 10 min EOthM of 20 air squats and 2 clean and jerks. I’d like you to get at least 6 per round. With that said, make sure you’re barbell weight is something you can cycle 2+ times. The rest should help. If you had to scale the weight for “Grace” a few weeks ago, that might be a good weight to use today.