Heavy 2

Deadlift – 50% of your heavy 2
3 Dips

**Pick up a barbell (with good form/technique..) until you can only pick it up/set it down 2 times and decide “I’m good”. Deadstop, remember. Think of the power snatches from Tuesday, as you had to start from a dead stop every 2 reps.

Next, take 50% of that number and leave that amount of weight on the barbell. You will leave that amount on the barbell and lift it up and down 55 times by way of 10 reps, 9 reps, etc, until you only do 1 deadlift. These can be touch and go. Between these sets of deadlifts, you’ll do 3 dips. Deadlift reps go down from 10; dip reps stay the same every round. This should be fairly fast due to the light weight of the deadlifts and low reps of the dips, but make sure you’re still getting full range of motion (ROM) on both movements. Open up your hips at the top of the deadlift, get shoulders below elbows on the dips, and get full extension (locked out) at the top of the dip whether you use rings, the Matador, or box. Don’t sacrifice form for a fast time.