20 min AMRAP
12/7 Bike cal
24 KB swings – 53/35
12 Dball shoulders – 100/60 (6/6)
6 Strict Pull ups

5 min – upper body work
5 min – lower body work

**Finally a break from barbells and overhead work this week. Phew! We’ll still be using our upper body with the KB swings and pull ups, but the hips will be doing most of the work on the former. And the height of the swing is up to you, so no need to go overhead if you don’t want to. A good scale for strict pull ups today would be super strict ring row, or even feet elevated ring rows. Let’s take a day from avoiding kipping and work on building some strict pulling strength.

For many, this workout doesn’t involve a lot of skill work, so it might be a quick warm up and go. Since it has been a shoulder/upper body intensive week, take advantage of the programmed mobility that works as a bookend to the warm up. Do this every day and maybe those shoulders won’t ache as much because you’ve finally been able to loose up your scapulae, and your squat depth has improved from dedicated ankle mobility work. And then you can do other accessory/skill/cahsout work on your own.