2 Rounds of “DT”
4 Rounds of “Cindy”
60 Double unders

*35 min cap

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Push jerks
Rx – 155/105

5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air squats

**You might notice some patterns of rep schemes such as 5/10/15, 7/14/21, 21-15-9, 50-40-30-20-10, which are a few of my favorites. There’s no point in making it complicated or complex to make it a “hard” workout. That comes in the execution. And that can be done with your body and a barbell. “Cindy” is about as simple as you can get, and I love the flow of the barbell from ground to shoulder to overhead in “DT”. Throw in some cardio – bike, row, run (done yesterday) – and I think double unders pair nicely with these movements.

There’s also the added challenge of beating the clock. Time caps aren’t to punish anyone, but to keep everyone moving and working at a similar intensity even if that means scaling a movement or weight. You might be able to knock out the bodyweight stuff no problem, but can you cycle the barbell well enough to get through the two rounds of “DT” as efficiently as possible. Example being, being able to do the jerks in 2 sets instead of turning it into 6 singles of a power clean and jerk – adding time and a movement to the workout. Add in the difficulty of the double unders when fatigued, too.

This workout will find your weakness – bodyweight movements, strength, barbell cycling, skill in double unders, working under fatigue, and time management. Three rounds, 10 minutes per round. How long will you spend on DT, on Cindy, on the double unders? Break it down. The clock is your friend, so use it to your advantage.

Daily Listen
“Truman Sleeps” – Phillip Glass
The Truman Show