Skill Work
Pistol Practice
EMOM x 12
1 – Ankle Mobility
2 – Balance/Front scale
3 – Pistols/1 leg push

12 min AMRAP
3 Pistols/leg
6 Power cleans (135/95)
9 Chest to bar pull ups

**Pistol skill work to get you ready for the workout. Work on more challenging movements in the skill portion, something where you’re only getting 3-5 reps/leg. Plan on moving a little faster during the workout. The workout contains two pulling movements – power cleans and C2B pull ups. Cleans you might be able to go unbroken on for the first few rounds, pull ups might be a touch more challenging. Keep it that way! Yes, the time domain is already set, but work on improving your pulling motion, getting your chest as close to the bar as possible, even if that means scaling to jumping pull ups. You’ll be surprised and how much more *oomph!* it takes to make contact with the bar below the clavicle. Fight for it!