3 x 6, 3 sec negative


12 min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10.. Etc.
Deficit push ups
DB lunges (reps are total)
Rx – 50/35

**Deadlifts as bookends to the ‘work week’. Started off with them in Monday’s workout, and wrapping up the week with them as strength. Going back to the 3×6 that we opened with earlier this month and still keeping the 3 sec eccentric (lowering) work.

Switching out the barbell for a pair of dumbbells for a workout with push ups with hands on the DBs (the height of the handle creating a bit of a deficit) and then by the side for some lunges (forward or backwards is okay). The time domain is set, so you need to get as far up the ladder as you can in 12 minutes. What say you.. is getting through the round of 18 or 20 doable? Let’s see what you’ve got.