Heavy 3


10 min AMRAP
5 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
10 Toes to bar

**Finally getting out of the cardio reps on deadlifts and pulling some big weights. Still touch and go. Key thing to think about it set up. Have a solid approach to the bar that includes core tension, full body tension, hamstring tension, lat tens.. you get the idea. A good lift starts with a good set up.

We’ll do a heavy-ish couplet to follow. Something short and fast that you can move fairly quickly/consistently through. There will still be some pacing involved, but it’s definitely less volume than we had in the 19.1 couplet. Strategize how you’ll cycle the barbell, if you’ll go unbroken on the T2B, and if you do decide to break them up.. how soon, and with what rep scheme.