20 min AMRAP
10 Dball shoulder (100/60) (tutorial)
10 Pistols; Scaling options to a box, and heel taps from ontop of a box
10 Toes to bar Scaling options – kipping levers, or hanging knee raises.

**Putting to use some gymnastics skill work we’ve done the last couple of weeks on toes to bar and pistols. You should feel so honored to have this opportunity to work on your weaknesses. Warm ups will be similar to what we’ve done for the EMOM work for both of these movements – ankle mobility and balance work for the pistols, and core strength and kipping work for the toes to bar. For a long workout like this we want to make sure that you’re choosing a difficult enough scale for both movements that you’re able to utilize some of the progression skill work we’ve been doing, and still be able to move at a fairly good pace through the movements. As always, there shouldn’t be one movement that holds you back. If that means you scale the reps to accomplish a harder scale, talk with your coach about that option.

This also holds true for the dball. Gentleman should be using the 80 and 100# balls regularly. Pretty soon I’m going to be making the Rx for dballs 100/80, because I know we have some strong ladies that are already bumping up the dball weight. With the time domain set on this workout, try a heavier weight with fewer reps. Get in some good practice ‘lapping’ the ball and using an aggressive hip (triple) extension to power it up and over your shoulder.

Daily Read

What happens to fat cells when you lose weight?
Popular Science