EMOM x 9
1- 1×10 2 KB Press
2- ME Strict chin up
3- Rest

8 DB Clean
8 DB lunges (backwards)- R arm OH, L racked
8 DB Push press
8 DB Lunges (forwards) – L arm OH, R racked

Rx – 2-50/35 DB

**The EMOM should look familiar. We’ve gone from 15 to 12, and now we’re at 10 reps. Try to go up in weight if you can. We’re also still looking for slow, controlled, intentional work. It’s not a race. Hold the rack position for 1 second, hold overhead for 1 second.. at least. Reps should be unbroken. Chin ups has you reversing your grip – supinated v pronated.. better known as palms facing you v facing away. We’re not looking for max unbroken reps here, but as many reps as you can do over the course of 1 minute.

For the workout, we’ll be testing some unilateral strength and balance with the different directional lunges as well as alternating the DB that will be held overhead. In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter which arm is overhead when you’re stepping forwards or backwards, just make sure you’re consistent with each round. If you want to go R arm OH and step forward because it’s easier to remember.. you do you.

The cleans are from the ground (one end of DB touching) into a full squat
The lunges are total steps – 4/4 leg
The push press is with one dip and drop.. there is no second dip or else you are doing a push jerk and that is incorrect. Down and up.

If you need to scale anything, scale the DB weight, and you can scale the lunges to holding the DBs in the rack position or at your sides.