For time
800m run
Then, 8 rounds of
8 Power cleans (135/95)
8 Handstand push ups (HSPU)

Then, 800m run

**Good news — we’re not squatting today!! And there’s nothing like running a mile to wake up your legs after thrusters and wall balls and goblet squats this week.

We’ve got our second and last long workout of the week today, and it’s a good one. Hit a couple laps, then come inside and pick up a barbell and get in some pressing work. Not keen on HSPUs just yet? An idea would be to put to use that double KB/DB pressing work we did Friday. And if you’ve been doing knees on a box, try getting into a pike position. If the pike position is your jam, but you’re not quite ready to make the transition to the wall, check out these two options – deficit or split-leg deficit. Key thing here is to get your hips as stacked as possible over your hands.