3 x 12 – RPE 8
12 OTB Burpees
6 Deadlift (255/185)
12 Toes to bar
**Soo.. let’s chat. Checking in. ‘sup?… How are you feeling? FGB yesterday was kinda rough. And those goblet squats on Tuesday.. amirite????
Okay, you might not be as high on life as I am, but by Thursday I like to start off my classes by checking in. Warm ups tend to vary class to class; coach to coach. I find that *I* need to warm up more in the morning (yes, even when coaching) vs the afternoon. And if you’ve come M-W at this point – number one *applause* – you might not be a nimble as you were on Monday.
And that’s what the RPE scale is for training. We’re increasing the volume by 2 reps each round while keeping the RPE at an 8, which is where we were during 3×8 and 3×10. If you’re feeling a bit tight from the last few workouts, you might find that your deadlift today is lower than you’d like. Or you might find that you need to scale the deadlifts for the workout or else you’d be doing them as singles, and that’s okay. The RPE scale can apply to the strength and metcon.
Be smart with your training and recovering, with an emphasis on the latter.
Daily Read
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting