Skill Work
Toes to bar (T2B)
EMOM x 12
1. Hip Hurdles
2. Arch to pike
3. Toes to bar progressions – 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, kipping ‘beats’ (small kip), lat pull ups/kipping lever, kipping knee raises, etc.

12 min AMRAP
5 Toes to bar
10 DB hang power clean and jerk (5/5)
15 Double unders

**Putting the skill work to use in the workout. Keeping the reps low enough that most should be able to stay on the bar for all 5 reps. With the DB work, you should be able to knock out all 5 on one arm before switching to the next. Is it required? No, but it’s a good way to practice cycling the movement. If you’re trying a heavier weight for the first time, breaking them up as 3/2 is fine. And this low number of double unders should be done unbroken for those skilled with the rope. Even if you’re still getting 1-3 singles between dubs, try to do the 15/round.

Who can hold 1 round/minute?