20 min AMRAP
Bike – 12/7 cal
2 Wall walks
8 DB Snatch/total (50/35) Alt, from ground
12 Toes to bar

**Following up our double strength day with a longer workout. Getting in a good mix of some anaerobic work on the bike (less than 1 min), inversions (wall walls) weight lifting (DB snatches) and pulling (toes to bar). Not a lot of places to rest here, but I like this workout as a chance to pick 1 or 2 movements and make them your jam. Not a great sprinter on the bike, but you have no problem getting upside down? Cool. Work on hitting 200+(300 men) watts on the bike each time. The bike is your jam but toes to bar make you cringe? Cool. Stay consistent the bike and work on kipping levers each round, maybe breaking them up in 6s so you can stay consistent. This workout will expose some weaknesses, so use this as a chance to work on them.

Daily Viewing
“Get After It” – Jocko Willink