Partner workout
20 min AMRAP
9/6 bike cal
6 Box jump over – 24/20 (total)
100m plate run – 45/25

^1 person works, the other rests until they get back w/ the plate.

*A couple rules here..
#1 – have fun! Partner workouts are a chance to get your know your fellow Old Cityzens.
#2 – For the Box jump overs, you have to land on the box with both feet before arriving to the other side. No ‘leaps in a single bound’.
#2a – It is NOT required that you show full hip extension when you land on the box.
#3 – I don’t care how you carry the plate on the run. Use whatever grip or strategy to get the plate out to the electric box and back.
#3a – No rolling of the plates. You have to hold it/support with your own limbs from the waist and above.

That’s all I’ve got on this one. Enjoy!