Strength 1
Power snatch + Hang power snatch
Heavy 2

Strength 2
Glute bridge/hip thrust
4 x 10

Super set
Barbell roll outs
4 x 10

**Ground to overhead. Knees to overhead. Both movements completed with no stopping at the shoulders on the way up. We’re always striving for patience and good technique with these movements. A few common faults are doing a clean and jerk/press out with the snatch grip or a slow turnover, bending your arms too early, and allowing the bar to travel too far away from your body. Please check out the videos linked here. I also suggest having your coach record a couple lifts so you can see what they see, and make the proper corrections.

Butts a guts, baby. Glute bridges and ab roll outs. Notice body position in the video of the rollout, particularly the arms and hips. He leads the movement with the arms rolling away and back, not leading with his hips back and finishing sitting on his heels. You might be doing this because you rolled out too far and feel like you can’t control the return or the barbell is too heavy, and you sit back on your heels to avoid eating the ground. Something that works for me is thinking of a kipping motion on the rig when I want to bring the bar to my hips. The bar(bell) can’t make it to my hips if they move away. See if that works for you.