Strict Press + Push Press
3×5 Press @ 60% 1 RM Press + ME PP

12 min AMRAP
8 DB Burpee deadlift
8 DB Power clean
8 DB Step up (24/20) (4/4)


**Quick check – how are your arms feeling after yesterday’s workout? Decent amount a pushing in the workout, right? There’s a little bit more happening today in strength. I feel like we’ve already done something similar on strict press only EMOM workouts where, if on the later rounds you struggled to get in those last few reps, you did a few push presses just to get the weight overhead. Similar idea here, but you will be staying at the same weight all three rounds, and trying to get in as many push presses as possible afterwards. The number might go down each time, so make sure you’re getting enough rest – more than you realize! – to maintain that number.

Workout busts out the dumbbells, which we haven’t seen yet this week. Yeah, a few more burpees – but these are different! – and some step ups, which will likely be the limiting factor today. Choose your weights wisely.