Back squat
Heavy 1

For time
50 Dball shoulders (100/60)

*7 min time cap*

**Compare to 7/31/20

**Big day, heavy day. Great way to end 2020 and start 2021. If you haven’t done a lot of squatting recently, here’s a chance to find out where you’re at for a single heavy rep. If you’ve been following the programming over the last 3 months, we’ve done a mix of high rep squats, and recently been alternating weeks with deadlifts while lowering the reps to heavy 8s, 5s, and 3s. And don’t overlook all the lunges and step ups that have been popping up in the programming. So even without back squatting multiple times a week, you’ve been still improving on your back squat.

A simple, monostructural workout that we did back in July. There haven’t been too many workouts with the dballs, but we’ve been moving a lot of weight in the form of power cleans, deadlifts, and even dumbbell movements such as Devils Press and snatches, as well as heavy KB swings. So don’t overlook any gainz you might’ve lost by not doing dball specific workouts. And instead, look at how the training with other pieces of equipment have helped prepare you to pick up a heavy dball as quickly as possible 50 times.