20 min AMRAP
10/8 Bike calories
8 Burpee pull up
6 Dball shoulders (3/3) – 100/60

**As mentioned in the weekly post, this should get you a number of rounds similar to the girl WOD “Cindy” that is a 20 min AMRAP of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats. Am I expecting 20 rounds? No. Do I think 10 is do able? Yes! How is that attainable you ask? Simple answer – keep moving. Personally, I’m not one to take breaks for water or chalk or to wipe my face, etc. My moves and transitions are calculated – placing water or a towel near my area or in the line of one movement to another so very little time is wasted. You know you can keep moving and working for 20 minutes, so train your mind to think that way, too.

Also, I’m competitive and I like to do well because I’m old and still like to give the youngins’ a run for their money. 😉

Movement-wise, the bike should be completed in less than 1 min at the least. This is a very attainable goal for everyone, most should be able to get it in under 50 seconds.

The burpee pull up is exactly what you think it is – you do a burpee, and instead of jumping and clapping, you jump and pull your chin over the bar. Can’t get chin over? Get a plate to help with the jump. Still not there? Jumping pull up as high as you can post burpee.

Dball shoulder is nothing new to most – pick the heavy ball up/over your shoulder. Repeat, alternating sides. Since the reps are lower and the time is set, this might be a good chance to try a heavier ball. Still too heavy for all 6 reps? Go 1/1 on the heavier ball, then 2/2 with your usual weight so you can keep plugging along.