Sumo Deadlift
Heavy 3

In 2 min
200m row
15 KB swings (53/35)
*rest the time remaining
*repeat a total of 6 rounds

**Okayyy.. slowing things down a bit today after yesterday’s fun. You’d call it fun, right? Maybe not at the time, but ya gotta love these long holiday-themed chippers from time to time.

Reeling it back in to ‘normal stuff’ – deadlifts, rowing, KB swings. If you’re smoked from yesterday, take it easy. Remember that the ‘heavy’ weight that we build up to is relative to how you’re feeling that day. Keep form in check, for sure, and just focus on weight (and technique!) vs volume.

We’ll bump up the intensity with some interval work – sprinting on the erg and KB swings No additional rest here, so the faster you work the more rest you’ll get. Easy, peasy!