Partner Workout^
24 min AMRAP
18 KB Swings (53/35)
15 Burpees
12 Pull ups

^P1- works through the triplet while P2 rows 500m. After completing the row, P2 picks up wherever P1 is at and keeps going. Score is total rounds completed where 1=1.

**Welcome back! I hope you’re ready to work! The faster you row, the less work your partner has to do on the triplet, and the more work you share, and the more rounds you complete together! See how that works?!

Burpee standards were looking really rough on Wednesday’s pre-Thanksgiving chipper, so let’s clean those up a bit – jump feet back/forward, chest to deck, jump and clap your hands over your head. Need to scale down to stepping back/forward? Need to scale the range of motion of the burpee and do it to a box or stacked plates? Go for it! But that last part most every one should be doing – jumping 1cm off the ground and raising your hands over your head. Let’s get back to the basics. MASTER the basics. There’s a lot of cool shit in CrossFit, but there’s also a lot of carry over from movement to movement – skimping on the standards on a burpee leads to skimping on the standards elsewhere. And if you’ve been following these blog posts for awhile, you’ve seen this article about virtuosity posted at least 2 (now 3) times. Do the common things uncommonly well. Read it again. Then again next month.

Daily Read

Defining CrossFit: Part 2 – Intensity