Push press
Heavy 5


For time
150 Wall balls (20/14)
^12 min time cap

**Simple day on paper. We’ve got two similar movements with a difference in range of motion. We’ll start off the day with the push press, so don’t go full send. Your heavy 5 might be a tad lighter than usual. Use this as a way to warm up for the wall balls, especially if your traps are feeling smoked from the hang power cleans on Wednesday. Probably would’ve been a good thing right now to have used some hip extension vs shrugging the bar up 90 times, eh? Best thing you can do now is get in some CrossOver Symmetry work and additional upper body stretching prior to class, and let your legs do most of the work.

Daily Read
Honeycrisp apples are the sh1t – Bloomberg

Compare to 4/1/19 *April Fools Day when we said it was ‘Double Karen’. Started off w/ Push press heavy 1

Compare to 7/13/18
* Started off with push press heavy 3

Compare to 10/4/17 *Started with power snatch/OHS/snatch balance for heavy single