Back squat
12 min AMRAP
200m run
100m DB Suitcase carry (1×50/35)
10 DB Hang cluster (5/5)
*FINALLY some back squats! I made you work for them, and plod through the week to get some knee bending exercise. Oh.. but wait.. it’s building to a heavy 10. Didn’t expect to see some volume, did you? Yup! Wrap your head around that number and get to work. Yes, it’s physically demanding, but get in the right frame of mind to do that many reps each set. You’ll need a couple minutes between sets, too, to collect your mind and your soul.
The workout also has some squatting, but we’re using a single DB. Learning from the farmer’s carry a few weeks ago, it looks like we need some work on grip strength. So… *waves arms, gesturing.. “this”..* here you go!
But what I will say about the suitcase carry is you want to make sure you’re standing upright. Yes, the weight will pull you to lean towards that side, and you’re supposed to counter it by trying harder to stand UPRIGHT. That’s.. that’s the point of the movement. Don’t lean WITH it, lean AWAY from it.