21 min AMRAP
3 Power snatch (115/75)
5 Overhead squats (115/75)
7 Toes to bar
12/9 cal Bike

**A tough day for your lats with all 4 movements. And everything flows together so nicely that you’re constantly moving. I’m sure some of you are looking at those bike calories and not having great thoughts after the 30 second sprints a few weeks ago, but now you have a decent idea of how long those will take in the setting of a workout.

Snatches and overhead squats should be at a weight that you can do unbroken. Does it have to be fast? No. But something you can do confidently and still move. This might slow down your toes to bar.

NOW.. if T2B is a movement you really want to focus on, then go lighter on the barbell to allow for somewhat fresher arms so you can string the reps together – even if it’s 2s and 3s. This workout has some technical movements in it, but I don’t want that to deter you from going easy on every just to get through the 21 minutes. Work with your coach to find the best weight and T2B scale for you.