Heavy 5


10 min AMRAP
10 Toes to bar
10 Sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP) (95/65)

**Back to the heavy barbell! We haven’t seen this a lot this week (on purpose), so here’s your chance to pick up something heavy. Touch and go, as always, and really work on prying the bar off the ground, pushing the floor away with your feet, instead of pulling it off the ground with your arms.

Your arms will have a more important role in the SDLHP in the workout since we now need to get the bar up to clavicle height. But you should still be evem MORE aggressive with pushing the floor away to get the barbell as high as you can with that aggressive hip extension. The arms will then just guide the barbell up to its high point.

Daily Read
Socks for better sleeping