20 Wall balls (20/14)
15 Box jump over (24/20)
10 Dips* (ring, Matador, or box)
*Kipping is okay

**Long workout today and the time domain isn’t set.

I’m looking at the wall balls today as we do them fairly frequently. So this amount of volume shouldn’t be new to people, unless you’re new to CrossFit/Old City. And we’ve been doing wall balls every other week, with the most reps/set at 40, and the average around 15. So this might be a good challenge for some to do all 20 unbroken. Phew! Splitting 10/10 is another way to go, but find a split that works for you. The BJO is total reps/passes over the top of the box, where you must land on the box. Again, find a pace that works for you. Hit that depth on the dips. If you need to scale them, make the scale still challenging so you’re not just bopping up and down.