Strength Work

40/20 x 12
1 – Floor press
2 – Renegade Row
3 – Hollow body hold (or progressions for the hollow hold)
#Work for 40 seconds, rest for 20. Complete the cycle a total of 8 times.


KB Swing (53/35)
DB Push press – R
DB Push press – L
*1-DB – 50/35, use the same DB for both arms
^Completed as 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, doing the movements listed in order a total of 8 rounds. No additional rest at the end of each round

**More pressing, different planes, different pieces of equipment. For the strength work, we’re looking for 40 seconds of continuous work. You don’t have to be moving the entire time. Time under tension counts as well, so even holding the DBs overhead, or supporting yourself in the plank position is still WORK!. Choose a weight that allows you to work the entire time. The renegade rows are about strength and control – not just of the weight moving up/down, but of your body position, and being able to HOLD it in place and not twist it as you move the DBs

The workout will move faster, having you get in as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, “resting” 10 seconds, and moving on to the next movement. Complete all three – swings, press right, press left – and that is 1 round of 8 total rounds.