Strength 1
Clean pull with a pause + Hang power clean
Heavy 2

Strength 2

Strict press
5 x 5

Super set

Dball to/over shoulder
5 x 3/side

**Hopefully your hands are feeling up to gripping a barbell after “Cindy” yesterday. We’ll get in some pause clean work, first focusing on getting into a good starting position, body position, bar path, and solid extension with the clean pull. Follow it up with a hang power clean to complete the complex. Like with last weeks’ snatches, we’re looking to improve barbell mechanics, not necessarily see how heavy we can go.

Will nix the hip extension for a strict press, going from the rack.

Pair this with some dball shouldering to round out the day. This is a chance to try a heavier ball, or work on cycling the reps at a fast pace.