Clean and Jerk
Heavy 1

Partner WOD
12 min AMRAP
4 bent over row
5 hang power clean
6 front squats
12 hops over the bar (total)

Rx – 115/75

**Clean and jerk here doesn’t have to be a squat clean. Choose whatever allows you to get the most weight to your shoulders in order to jerk. As with Wednesday’s single KB workout, focus on doing a correct jerk and not a push press. I’d rather see you do a lighter jerk than force a push press overhead. Learn to do the movements as listed. If that means setting your ego aside and taking weight off the bar until you get it right, then do that.

The partner WOD should move pretty quickly at this weight. Same weight for both partners. The thing to remember here is that since you’re moving fast through the movements, you still need to hit ROM – stand up then go to the hang for BORs, get the bar on top of the shoulders v touching up front on the HPC, and hit depth/extension on the front squats.