A1 – DB Neutral grip bench press
-Build to a Heavy 8, then repeat that same weight 2-3 more sets

A2 – Crossover Symmetry Face Pull
3 x 10

6 RFT**
6 Renegade Rows/total
6 Hang squat cleans
6 Toes to bar

*6 min time cap*

Rx – Pick your weight, and finish under the time cap.

**For every rep that you are short of completing the workout, you have to do a 5 second wall sit. Ex – you only complete 5 rounds and 4 renegade rows, falling 14 reps shy. After the workout you’ll do a 70 sec (1:10) wall sit.

Accessory Work
2 rounds
McGill curl up – 4 alt reps/side – 5 sec hold.
Banded tricep press down – 12 reps