24 min AMRAP
250m row
20 Dball shoulder – 100/60
20 Weighted step ups (1-50/35) (24/20)
10 Strict Dips *rings or matador is okay.

**Our second long workout of the week, but only one dumbbell today and we’re using it for only one movement! It looks like this – short row, move on the dballs, move on the step ups, move on the dips. Pacing. The time domain is set unlike with Tuesday’s workout. This doesn’t mean lollygag, but move with a purpose.

The step ups are reminiscent of the ones we did in 19.3 back in March of this year. Hold the DB however you want, but your free hand must stay off your body. And make sure you stand up all the way at the top.

I realize people might scale the dips with bands, but make sure you’re still getting full ROM and not choking up on the band so it gives you more assistance. Use it as a way to get better at dips, not just a way to get through the workout as quickly as possible. There should be some struggle – get a smaller band – or scale to toe assisted dips. Additionally, some people find dips on boxes more challenging, but keep in mind those might be taken up by the steppers.

Daily Read
Why bikes are so awesome