Strength 1

Strength 2
Push press

400m sprint
Rest ~2 min. Repeat.

^Goal is to run fast and have both times within 2-5 seconds of each other.

**Starting off the week by getting stronker with our double strength day. Spend the time of the deadlifts. Three working sets of 2 reps doesn’t mean lift-lift-lift “okay what’s next?” This should take 4-5 sets until you’re getting HEAVY. We’re doing 1RM testing next Wednesday, so be ready for the heavy-heavy stuff then.

I always stress single knee bend on push press. There’s always the temptation to jerk that last rep on the last few sets. Resist. Push press.. not jerk, not shoulder to overhead.. just ‘down up’ and press the bar overhead.

The run is fast. Rest. Repeat. Keep your times close. I’d like to see a few guys in the 1:20-1:25 range.. I’ve seen it before. Ladies.. sub 1:40?