50 Double unders
5 Power snatch
10 Overhead squats
50 Double unders
5 Power snatch
10 Overhead lunges

Rx – 115/75

**OOhh.. more double unders right after Friday’s “Annie”, but I don’t think that portion of the workout will give you recoil when looking at this workout. It’s that overhead work – squats and lunges. Start working on that mobility now.

Low reps for the barbell movements should keep you moving. Those double unders will get you out of breath just enough to really focus on your overhead position. There’s no room here to be lax. Weight should be challenging FOR YOU no matter what you put on the bar, but always doable. Really try to transition right from the snatches to the lunges. Shoulders are gonna be feeling it, but make your lats do the work.

Don’t let a workout like this scare you especially if you have limited overhead mobility. Use it as a chance to assess where you are in the warm up, and see how much you can do from there. Always be striving to improve every day.
